The Negative Impact of Information Technology for Indonesian Students in the Era of Globalization
In the era of globalization, technological development became an important role for humans, especially for students. Many Indonesian students used technology as a tool to increase knowledge. But many students also use technology for the wrong things. The existence of technological developments in the era of globalization for Indonesian students have a negative impact on Indonesian students such as lazy learning, reducing sleep quality, and cybercrime. The first negative impact technological development in the era of globalization for Indonesian student is lazy learning. Decreasing achievement in the academic field is an example if you are lazy to learn. Declining GPA is a real example for Indonesian students. Lazy learning can also lead to cheating behavior in the exam. Cheating in the test is caused by the behavior of lazy learning but want to get good grades. This behavior is something that is not to be imitated because it can damage the meaning of learning. Instead Indones...